Sandisk Cruzer Mini Usb Driver Windows 98

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sandisk cruzer mini usb driver windows 98

I have a Cruzer USB Flash Drive - 2GB

Can this be used with Windows 98 and if so where do I get the drivers.

I have a brand new Cruzer micro 4GB. I keep about 1800 files on it that consume less than 2GB total. The drive worked fine had it for 2 weeks up until today. Now, when I try to copy all 1800 files at once onto a hard drive for backup the copy process freezes on a random file every time. I recieve a Windows error message I am running Windows XP that says:

Cannot copy : The parameter is incorrect

Where is some random file in the drive. After this, the explorer window for the USB drive closes. But the Cruzer drive letter is still visible in My Computer. When I re-open the Cruzer window it shows no files. I have to pull it out and reinsert. When I re-insert, all of my files are there. I can look at any of them, edit them etc. No corruptions. None of the files are copy protected in any way all are pdfs, Excel, Powerpoint, Word files. Also, once the copy process freezes I am unable to eject the drive from the launchpad. When I try, the launchpad gives me the following message:

An has occurred while attempting to eject the U3 smartdrive. Please check for any open documents or programs running on the device and try again later.

I can eject the drive from the Safely Remove Hardware icon on the windows taskbar. I get the proper sound and the proper message You may now safely remove this drive but the Cruzer LED does not turn off.

I find that I can copy the files in small groups and as long as the entire copy process takes less than 30 seconds more or less, it copies the files fine. However, if it takes much longer than that it freezes every time.

Does anyone have any ideas what s going on. Could it be a loose connection in the unit. Could the unit be overheating. It does not feel especially hot.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I do not know what your configuration is or whether or not the new cruzers present the option but if the option Trust this computer or some other some such option saving the signin data to the local computer exists then my first option would be to turn it off.

I FOUND QUITE BY ACCIDENT WITH NO HELP FROM SANDISK that if I check the dialog box that says Trust this computer then the problem appears.  If I UNCHECK OR DO NOT CHECK the box, i.e. if the dialog box is unchecked, then I have no problems.

I was one of the earlier posters 05-11-2008 searching for an answer and I have never received any substantial help from SanDisk.  Tis a shame to spend so much time and money on something then when one has problems the company seems to disappear in terms of support.  Of course they still keep the money. I hate to see so many people still struggling..

I have a cruzer micro 1GB flash drive. When i insert it into my dell laptop with windows vista, it comes back with the error of needing to install drivers onto the laptop. I do not have drivers and I cannot find any. It does not seem to recognize what the drive is. This problem is with several flash drives that I have tried. If anyone knows the solution to this problem it would be a big help. Thank you.

Due to wear leveling algorithms, bad block marking, bad block management, and other advancements, flash has come a long way in terms of durability. While it is true there is a limited number of read/write cycles per sector this is not the way device reliability is calculated anymore.

device reliability is calculated in MTBF mean time between failure for flash drives i think it is about 1,000,000 hours MTBF.

Also keep in mind that the larger a flash drive the more bits it has over which to spread wear, so as drives become larger durability is only going to increase.

to answer your question erasing a 1GB file will use one erase cycle per sector of storage used and this wear will be spread across the entire device to increase the life of the drive.

Ours were working last week but all of a sudden three of the four stopped working.

My mothers 512MB Black Cruzer Micro

and my husbands 1gb Black cruzer micro.

My mothers and mine will not register at all on hers or my computers.

Although, on my husbands computer the light will come on for his flash drive but an error message pops up and says that a malfunction has occured.

The only one of the total 4 that works is my rather old clear 512MB cruzer micro that I purchased in 2004. Maybe SanDisk found a way to make the flashdrives cheaper and sacrificed quality for quanitity. tisk

All of our flashdrives have been tried on other computers with no luck. _

I m in good mind to write the company explaining the recent loss of important files, mine were picturesirreplaceable memories. I have NEVER had a problem with SanDisk. I have SD cards for my cameras that have worked flawlessly. But I think I just might use another brand on my next flashdrive.

Message Edited by push9monkeys on 04-16-2008 PM

Amazing It actually works sorry ESQ on Vista.. .or allmost works. I found this on the netActually, it will work as a flash drive under Vista. As long as you register your fingerprints on an XP system you can use the drive in Vista. The software isn t required to unlock the drive. Just plug it in and scan your finger. It will unlock the drive and allow access. Also, while it is locked, if you try and browse the drive Windows will prompt you to format it. If you hit yes, it will look like it is formatting, but will fail. You can t erase or format the drive until it is unlocked with a fingerprint.

The software called CruzerProfile.exe found on the Unprotected partition which is executed to initialize the device and configure it train it etc WILL NOT WORK on VISTA. But the device it self works on Vista. Without seeing any program just put your finger on the device sweep it as normal. And.. the protected partition will unlock without any windows or program, indicating that.  

When you plug it DON T format it, there is no need. Ignore the Vista message Vista is seeing the protected partition and thinks it need a format.. Ignore it. You will unlock it soon by sweeping your finger on it.

If you want to use it on Vista

1st initialize it on an XP train it etc and then

use it on Vista without the software, just sweep your finger it will unlock the 2nd protected partition.

PS. Vista not fully support it, but atleast you can make it work you will allways need an XP to reconfigure it, so dont delete the software on the UNPROTECTED partition, actually take a back up as I think you cannot find it on the net anymore  

Message Edited by keysmith on 06-03-2009 AM

To be honest, I d of never believed this had I not just tried it.  I ve been searching for a Vista fix for a long time.  I read elsewhere that no software needed to be loading on the host machine, but I had always figured this referred to actually installing software.  I guess they really meant no software needed.  I feel much better about the level of security this drive provides.  My guess is, short of tearing the thing open and attempting to hack it at the hardware level, no causal thief is gonna get in.  What got me concerned is an article I read regarding another thumbdrive w/biometric reader built-in can t recall exactly who made it.   Anyway, it was found to have a serious vulnerablility that allowed access.  It would seem it utilized software-based authentication to confim the user s fingerprints.  If it detected a valid user it would simply call a function which allowed access to the secure volume.  This was seen using software that monitors USB traffic.  On top of that, bypassing authentication required very little effort as the volume was only hidden from Windows, not actually locked in any sense of the word.  I thought maybe that what was going on here; however, if the drive can unlock WITHOUT any software being run whatsoever--it definently does it s authentication completely in hardware.

The next thing I m gonna try is seeing if it can be used to unlock BitLocker in the TPM USB Key mode.  My guess is it might be possible since you should be able to unlock the drive despite being in a pre-boot state.  Just depends if BitLocker finds the proper volume.  It s also necessary to swipe your finger early enough since it needs read access access just prior to checking otherwise it instruct you to reboot and try again.  I believe USB devices momentarily lose power and are reset during early POST; if that is the case, the drive will lock itself upon restart.  I need to do some playing around and test this.  I ll post my results in case there s someone else who thinks TPM USB Key still isn t enough

I have a Cruzer wich was sold with a 128 Mb card in it.

What is the max size of the card in Mb or Gb for this Cruzer.

I recently have been having a problem with my SanDisk Cruzer Micro 512MB.  When I was using it a couple of days ago, the window just shut down when I went to open a file and it hasn t returned since.  It lights up when I plug it in, but does not automatically read or show up under My Computer.

Near the same time, I installed a printer that has a card reader in it. But, I don t remember if it was acting up before or after I installed the printer.I think it was acting up before I installed it though.

I have tried plugging it in to several computersall of which make the thumb drive light up, but it never actually reads it.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have a Cruzer Mini 1 Gb model SDCZ2-1024. I mistakenly left it plugged into a computer that I was installing WinXP into, and after the OS loaded the Cruzer now shows up in My Computer as Removable Drive E and when I try to open it a mesage pops up please insert a disk into removable disk E. Under properties it shows a 0 bites.

I had several utilities and some photos and docs on it that I d rather not loseany suggestions on recovering them.

If you break the Cruzer Profile cable that attaches to the USB connector, It can be soldered back on.

The wiring order is RED - WHITE- GREEN - BLACK

This is standard for USB connectors.

i used it only once on ma own PC as a test.and now in its 2nd day it s readed 0 capacity not 2GB capacity

i can t copy anything to it i can t find anything on it its empty

if anyone know a solution for this problem. .please help me

I have a 8 gig Cruzer USB Flash Drive and it will only work in one of my USB Ports. All my printers and MP3 players will work on any of my other 9   2.0  USb Ports. Any ideas will be appreciated..

SanDisk is proud to offer world wide support services for the wide  variety of  its  products that are available in today s market.

There are certain pieces of information a user can be sure to obtain, prior to contacting Techincal Support or Customer Service. This is in order to ensure a timely and accurate response.In order to better assist you, please have the following information ready prior to calling or sent via E-mail to Support and Last Name E-mail address: Used for support purposes only. This address is not sold, nor used for marketing or sales purposes. Contact number: Should the call be disconnected for any reason we would be more the happy to call you back. Model Type: Such as V-mate, micro2, Titanium, etc. Model Number: Typically located in the battery compartment in our line of Mp3 players. This code is generally a combination of letters and numbers. Summary of issue at hand: This can be a small summary of the particular issue at hand. For example, My cruzer is not detected by my computer. I have tried.

The more accurate the issue at hand is explained, the quicker the steps in troubleshooting process. Prior troubleshooting on the device is encouraged, relaying the results of your troubleshooting to the Technical Support Representative will also speed up the process.

If you have previously contacted SanDisk, please provide your prior Case / RMA number

I got a Cruzer mini come with 3 caps which all cracked and broken and will not stay on the Cruzer now.

Does anyone know where I can get those protective caps for the Cruzer mini. The USB connector is uncover now and I want to protect it.

There is a I/O error with my Cruzer Micro Skin 4GB and the computer cannot read it anymore. What can I do.Thanks.

I have deleted all the files shown in the USB Flash Drive window.  When I check the available space on it my cpu tells me I only have 84.7 MB of available memory, and 159.9 MB is used.  I don t understand why I don t have close to full capacity of memory available.  Can someone please tell me how to create more available memory.  Thanks.

I seem to have lost the Cruzer Lock etc. on my Sandisk Cruzer.  Is there anywhere you can download the files that were originally on it when I got it.

Cruzer 4G Titanium Plus does not do anything

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Re: Cruzer 4G Titanium Plus does not do anything

Hit the enter button before I wrote anything, sorry.

I just received this unit in the mail today, opened the box and plugged it in to my usb and nothing, tried another usb, nothing then another PC, nothing. I did try other usb devices and they work fine. I use some Sandisk CF cards with no problems at all and always thought Sandisk was one of the best at these type of devices so I am very disappointed that this device does nothing.

it sounds like a bad drive. pretty rare but it happens. since you just got it i would return it to the place of purchase.

So I go to Staples at lunch today and exchange it for another one, it works in the store, it works and hour later in my work laptop. I take it home and it does not work anymore in my work laptop. I try it in my home PC and nothing, I try it in all 3 home PC s and nothing again.

I would like someone from Sandisk to comment on this. Do i just have extremely bad luck or is there some defective products out there

Mine worked on any other computer I tried it on except my main computer. Drove me nuts till I tried a powered usb hub and now its fine. I guess my cruzer needed just a little more juice than other devices.

I just purchased a Cruzer USB 2.0 Flash Drive 4GB. My OS is Windows XP home addition. Supposedly, I don t need a driver for this flash drive. But my home computer cannot recognize this USB Device. I receive a message that no drivers are installed for this device. When I attempted to download a driver from the SanDisk web site but once again, the page tells me I don t need a driver for this OS. Very frustrating. Oddly, the drive works in other computers, but I really need it to back up some files from my home computer.

I ve read through most of the threads here, but haven t found anything helpful to this semi computer literate mind.

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Windows 98 & Cruzer USB Flash Drive

Driver: SanDisk Cruzer USB Device - download driver. 98 : User Negligence: SanDisk Cruzer USB Device SanDisk Cruzer USB Device Driver for Windows 7.

SanDisk USB flash drives and Windows 98SE. operating systems are NOT supported on any currently manufactured SanDisk USB drive. USB drivers for Windows.

windows 98 driver

sandisk cruzer mini usb driver windows 98

Ok guys, this intrigued me as well, but the Z6 Cruzer Micros CAN be used in Win98 SE machines. This is about as straightforward as I can explain it.

1. Put the U3 Cruser Z6 model in your XP machine and disable the U3 stuff. If you re going to use it in Win98 you can use U3 anyway and it takes up about 100MB of space on the Cruser Micro, so get rid of it. Then DELETE everything off the stick except for the the empty placeholder directories.

2. Make sure you have the SNDKW98.INF file in your C: Windows INF directory, and put it in another directory too, like C: Drivers.

3. Put the cleaned out stick in the Win 98 SE machine, let it do its new hardware thing. When you get to the can t find a driver, select use a driver that you specify or whatever the wording is.

4. Select from the Hard disk controller section, select Sandisk and then the Cruzer Mini/Micro option and select the SNDKW98.INF file from the Windows Inf directory or the other one if for some eeason winblows doesn t want to let you select the windows inf directory.

5. Ignore the waring that the driver was not written for the device.

6. It;l finish. I can t remember if you have to reboot.

You will now have the stick only taking up ONE drive letter no phantom CD drvice for he U3 garbage.

It workd fine for the 2GB sticks, it should work for the 4GB sticks, but I woundn t try it with the so called High capacity sticks or am i confusing that with the high capacity SD camera memory cards.

If you flub it up like I did, for instance you tried installing it before clearing out the US stuff and deleting it.

put it in an xp machine and disable then delete the US stuff.

put it back in your Win98SE machine, go into control panel - system - device manager, select it under Hard Disk controllers - it should be easy to spot. select remove it. I didn t even have to take it out and re-insert it, winblows immediatly started its found new hardware routine. and i proceeded from step 4 above.

Good luck and tell us how it went.  I m going to see if i have to repeat the entire process with another identical stick I bought a 3-pack red white and blue 2GBs each.

This is being discussed over in this thread, so there is no reason to keep posting in this.  I am going to close this one down.

I have just purchased two Cruzer micor 1 GB black USB drives. Both the drdives only flash the LED when I insert them into the USB port. I have removed the U3 software as i only use them for data storage.  Why do thes drives not show any steady LED light as  does my titanium 2 GB Cruzer drive. I have used other cruzer usb drives and also tried other manuf.drives but they have always had a Lit LED after I insert it into the Port.

Cruzer flash drive NOT detected by Windows PC. see Cruzer flash drive not detected on a Connect the Cruzer to the PC If you receive a USB Device Not.

Download driver: cruzer micro usb drivers for windows 98 Accumulated data for 2013: cruzer micro usb drivers for windows 98. Driver: Last Update: Availability.

SanDisk 2GB Cruzer Micro USB device driver for Windows 98 Recently I have SanDisk 2GB Cruzer Micro USB device driver for SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB.